Diagnostics in radiology is an essential part of medical imaging and plays a decisive role in the diagnosis and treatment planning of various diseases. Radiology uses various imaging techniques such as digital X-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) to visualize pathological changes in the body.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Our practice operates two high-field magnetic resonance imaging scanners.
Unlike computed tomography and X-ray examinations, magnetic resonance imaging uses a magnetic field instead of X-rays. Precise cross-sectional images are produced, which make it easy to visualize soft tissue and detect problems such as inflamed tissue. This examination is used for all diseases involving suspected changes in the soft tissues (brain, muscles, abdominal organs, etc.).
Equipment at our practice includes an MRI scanner of outstanding quality – the MAGNETOM® Skyra. The advantages of this instrument lie in its uncompromising precision and image quality in the areas of the skeletal system, central nervous system, breast and prostate tissue, all organ systems and the cardiovascular system, as well as for whole-body scans and early detection.
This MRI scanner has a particularly wide opening thanks to its open bore design (70 cm).
Diagnostics that can be performed with MRI:
Computed tomography (CT)
Spiral computed tomography (CT) is a special X-ray examination that uses rotating X-rays and complex computer systems to produce detailed cross-sectional images of the human body. This method allows physicians to precisely visualize even the finest structures and tissue areas, which is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. With the help of spiral computed tomography, we can view many different regions of the body, such as the abdomen, chest, brain, spine and craniofacial area at high resolution and in three dimensions. This allows us to conduct a sophisticated assessment of organs, vascular tissue and bone structures and plays an important role in the early detection and diagnosis of diseases.
At our facility, we work with a modern 80-line CT system from CANON – the Aquilion Lightning SP. This advanced system not only offers extremely high image resolution – its innovative technology also enables particularly fast imaging times. This combination of speed and attention to detail contributes to a more pleasant examination experience for the patient while delivering highly accurate results for a reliable and well-founded diagnosis. The low radiation exposure combined with high image quality underscores the high technical standard of this device and ensures the least-invasive procedure possible.
Digital X-ray
Conventional X-rays are still an important part of radiological diagnostics. Today, however, these images are captured digitally.
X-rays are particularly suitable for the bones, spine, joints, vascular system and lungs.
The duration of your X-ray procedure depends on the number of images and the body sections to be examined. On average, it takes a few seconds to a few minutes.
A contrast agent may also be administered for certain examinations. These contrast media have very minor side effects, which we will inform you about.
X-rays are not suitable for pregnant women.
We use the latest fully digital X-ray equipment from Siemens – the YsioMax AF and the Luminos dRF Max. These systems include state-of-the-art detectors to maximize detail and reduce X-ray radiation.
Ultrasound examination (sonography)
An ultrasound (sonography), which involves transmitting ultrasound waves into the body, is used for imaging soft organs (liver, female breast, skin). Ultrasound can also be used to visualize a child in its mother’s uterus during pregnancy. The only organs that cannot be examined using this method are those that contain calcium, as well as the lungs and intestines.
During the examination itself, the practitioner moves the transducer over the area of the body to be examined. A contact gel is applied to the skin beforehand so that the transducer can glide better over the skin.
This examination is completely painless and usually takes no longer than fifteen minutes.
Nuclear medicine (scintigraphy)
In nuclear medicine, metabolic processes and organ functions are recorded by administering radiopharmaceuticals.
Technetium is generally used as the radioactive substance. Depending on the examination, this substance binds to a carrier that accumulates in certain organs (heart, liver, kidney, lungs, brain, bones, etc.).
The radiation emitted by the patient is measured using what is known as a gamma camera and displayed as an image on a computer.
The radiation exposure is usually lower with these examinations than with comparable X-rays.
Our practice has an ECAM double-head camera and a Syngula single-head camera from MiE.
Preventive medicine
Mammography is an X-ray examination of the female breast used for the early detection of breast cancer (breast carcinoma), the most common cancer in women.
The exam is carried out using special fully digital X-ray equipment that exposes the patient to only a minimal radiation dose. Each breast is compressed between two Plexiglas plates to avoid movement and to keep the radiation dose as low as possible.
The fully digital HOLOGIC mammography unit with low-dose, thin-layer technology (also known as tomosynthesis) delivers high-resolution images with very low radiation exposure. Suspicious areas can be better identified using computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) tools.
Digital mammography has been a major focus of our diagnostic portfolio for many years.
Mammography is not suitable for examining pregnant women.
Bone density measurement
25% of women over 50 suffer from osteoporosis, very often without realizing it.
Osteoporosis can be counteracted quickly and with good results through early detection.
Bone density measurements should be carried out regularly on women over the age of 50, and even earlier if there are risk factors.
Our practice has a Lunar Prodigy from GE.

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Our Friedrichstrasse practice
For patients with public health insurance
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For patients with private insurance and those paying out of pocket